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Solo Emails
If you have your own email list, sending a solo mailing is by far the most effective strategy to generate quick profits. We have used the exact e-mail below to generate a sizeable amount of sales from our newsletter lists. This is a tested e-mail and it works. All you have to do is mail it out and see for yourself how it produces.
1) Insert your name where prompted to do so.
2) Replace the xxxxx's with your clickbank nickname.
3) Load it up into your autoresponder and broadcast it.
Subject Line: <<<SUBSCRIBER NAME GOES HERE>>>, How to end substance abuse... Hi <<<SUBSCRIBER NAME GOES HERE>>>, I have an exciting announcement for you today from one of my trusted colleagues, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Steve G. Jones. I have Steve's permission to share it with you. He discusses an empowering product of his that he wants to share with you... Are you or a loved one hooked on drugs or alcohol? Now there is hope. I have spent time working with celebrities and successful people at the drug treatment center, Echo Malibu. I now bring you the same techniques I used there, to help you end substance abuse. Whether you have a substance abuse problem, or a friend or family member does, realize that my brand new program "Drop The Addiction" gives powerful techniques and advice to help you. You can free yourself from the grip of substance abuse. Substance abuse is serious and difficult to go at it alone, that's why you need support. This program will give you the support you need to end substance abuse. --> You'll receive 4 audio modules that take you from A to Z on how to stop substance abuse dead in its tracks. And to ensure your success even further, I am going include a powerful hypnosis recording. I want you to experience what's like to be drug or alcohol free. Now you will with my amazing new program. This will revolutionize the way you act in your life. It will enable you to experience all the benefits a drug-free life has to offer. Here's why you must order today - I have priced this powerful system at what I consider to be a very generous and fair price... and in is only a market test. I will also be testing higher prices for these programs. Here's something you must realize - I reserve the right to jack up the price...probably by $20 any time without notice. And, that could happen tomorrow, next week, or later today. So, if you see that the investment is still just $27.97, please go ahead and order right now. If you don't order, you'll end up paying more later. Please don't tell me I didn't warn you! So just take advantage of this offer and get the "steal of a lifetime" by ordering today. Do it now. Go NOW before I change my mind :-) To your success, <<<YOUR NAME HERE>>> ===================================== Disclosure: We are an affiliate of Steve G. Jones and receive a portion of each sale made via the links we provide to you. |
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